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World's Best Weekend

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Taiwanese Choir Comes To Friendly City

Courtesy: Formosa Singers web page

Woodstock will have a rare opportunity to see the cultural performance of a choir from Taiwan.

WOODSTOCK - Experience Taiwan, in Oxford.

A choir from Taiwan, called The Formosa Singers will performing at Knox Presbyterian Church on September 15th at 1pm.

Tourism Specialist, Meredith Maywood says their visit comes thanks to a relationship with Taiwan.

"So Oxford County has had a long relationship with Taiwan. The opportunity for this choir to come to Oxford County is in result of the relationship. So they are coming to perform in Toronto and they've decided to make a stop in Woodstock."

She says it is a must see event for anyone interested in the culture.

"If you've never seen a Taiwan choir perform before. If you are fortunate, we've had them to the area a couple times now. But you get to see some of the Taiwanese culture and folk songs being performed. It's just beautiful music. It's a great reason to come out."

They will be joined by the Emmanuel Chamber Choir from Toronto for the performance.

The event will have free admission for everyone looking to come listen.

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