The Town of Tillsonburg has made some changes to their transit system.
TILLSONBURG - The Town of Tillsonburg has made some changes to their transit system.
Transit Coordinator Alex Piggot says the new bus systems started last Monday.
"On August 20th it switched from a dial a ride system where people would call in and schedule a ride to a fixed route system, which you see in larger centres like Woodstock, where you actually go out to a bus stop now and you have to be on time for the bus and you pay for the bus as a regular passenger."
Piggot explains the process that came about for this change.
"The Town has a transit advisory committee and this was one of the goals and objectives to bring it up to a more of a modern operating state. It is a natural transition to go from a dial a ride service to the fixed route system."
Piggot adds the cost to the town and residents has not changed.
"The cost for the rider is exactly the same. Passes are available around the town at various retail locations and if they need more information they can get it off the town web site and tgo page."
The bus averages about 48 riders a day right now and they are hoping the new system will bring that average up. You can find more information on routes and costs online here.
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