The TVDSB is reporting four new cases of COVID-19 affecting Winchester Street PS in Woodstock, Byron Somerset PS in London, Riverside PS in London and Wilberforce PS in Lucan.
TVDSB - The Thames Valley District School Board is reporting four new confirmed or probable cases of COVID-19.
The list of affected schools includes Winchester Street Public School in Woodstock, Byron Somerset Public School in London, Riverside Public School in London and Wilberforce Public School in Lucan.
Contact tracing is underway and the school board has already reached out to all of the affected parents, guardians and staff members. If you don't receive a letter from the TVDSB, your child is not considered to be at risk.
Thames Valley is now reporting a total of 16 active cases within the Wilberforce Public School community. The Lucan school temporarily closed and switched to online learning yesterday and officials are hoping to reopen it to in-class learning next week.
You can read more about Southwestern Public Health's protocols for COVID-19 classroom exposure here. You can also find more information regarding active cases of COVID-19 within the TVDSB online here.
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