The City of Woodstock will not be opening Lions Pool this summer, but it will offer free admission to the Spray and Play Wading Pool in Southside Park.
WOODSTOCK - You won't be able to go swimming at Lions Pool, but you will be able to cool off at the Spray and Play Wading Pool in Southside Park.
During yesterday's meeting, Woodstock City Council decided to not open Lions Pool this summer and to instead offer free admission for the wading pool.
City staff noticed some tears in the Lions Pool liner during opening inspections, so now the city is going to look into how much it would cost to not only replace the liner, but also upgrade the pool so it can accommodate the city's future needs.
City staff also proposed some changes to the Woodstock's recreational water needs study and capital plan yesterday.
When it was approved in principle back in 2019, it included a plan to replace Lions Pool with a new outdoor pool close to the Southside Aquatic Centre. It also stated that the Southside Park wading pool would be replaced with a new splash pad. The new splash pad was supposed to be built in 2023, the wading pool was supposed to be retired in 2024, and the new outdoor pool was supposed to open in 2025.
City Council has decided to move the new splash pad to the upper soccer field at Reeves Community Complex after stakeholder consultation.
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